Beyond Vision / State-of-the-art Customer Care Center Open!

State-of-the-art Customer Care Center Open!

Beyond Vision Reaches Major Mission Milestone

Elected officials, local business and community leaders, project funders, Beyond Vision employees and family members gathered this October to celebrate a major milestone – the grand opening of the new Beyond Vision Customer Care Center. The State-of-the-art facility was designed with the visually impaired in mind and will provide valuable job skills training and sustainable employment opportunities for people who are blind within our community.

Ribbon cutting for Beyond Vision's new call center.

The new Customer Care Center facility, located at 5504 West State Street, was funded largely with the support from our philanthropic partners, listed below. The facility features 36 workstations, each fully equipped with the innovative adaptive technology to ensure accessibility for individuals living with varying degrees of vision loss. Lighting that reduces glare, a white noise machine, and other accessible features help to make the Customer Care Center a state-of-the-art facility and a great place for an individual who is blind to work. The Center will serve as a as a training grounds for upwardly mobile individuals to obtain the computing skills necessary to advance in their professional career. See our latest video about the new facility.

Started in 2010 with a single employee and no external customer contracts, the Customer Care Center had the goal of creating “white collar” employment opportunities for people who are blind. We can safely say that thanks to your support, the Customer Care Center will be a place where people who are blind can come and tap into their full potential.


Thank you to all the donors who have made our Customer Care Center possible…

Thomas Arenberg
A.W. Asmuth Family Fund
Bader Philanthropies
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Briggs & Stratton Foundation
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trust
Shawn Duffy
John Emanuel
Ralph Evinrude Foundation, Inc.
Forest County Potawatomi Foundation
The Gardner Foundation
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Harley-Davidson Foundation
Dr. Harry J. Heeb Foundation
Scott & Linda Haag
William & Peggy Hughes
Ronald & Maureen Hutchinson
Eric & Mary Isbister
George and Julie Mosher
Helmut Wolfgang Schumann Foundation
Stackner Family Foundation
Thomas Reinhart Foundation
Teerlink Family Foundation Ltd.
Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek Foundation
Ziemann Foundation Inc.