Beyond Vision / Skilcraft Machining Solutions

Skilcraft Machining Solutions

A man is removing a part from a CNC machine
Rick operating the CNC machine

Wiscraft, Arizona Industries for the Blind and the Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind are the only agencies in the National Industries for the Blind (NIB) family of eighty-plus agencies that have machining capabilities.  Recently, the three of us combined forces in order to create more value for our customers.  While some of our capabilities overlap, each agency also performs a service the others don’t.  This diversification makes the team, called SKILCRAFT Machining Solutions, a valuable one-stop solution for machining needs.  The service will soon be added to the government’s mandatory Procurement List.  Once on the list, the amount of work opportunities will increase substantially.  The Department of Defense’s Director of Defense Procurement, Shay Assad, has also challenged the Department to greatly increase its spending on NIB agencies.  SKILCRAFT Machining Solutions will be in position to take advantage of these great opportunities.

Machine Shop Supervisor Ron Wink preparing the new CNC machine for a production run.
Machine Shop Supervisor Ron Wink preparing the new CNC machine for a production run.

Since its creation, the team has won two projects with Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP).  They’re also Wiscraft’s first machining contracts for a government entity.  Before combining, the chances of one of us winning such contracts would have been much less.  DSCP had been having trouble finding replacement parts for military vehicles until the team offered its services.  Several more bids are currently being proposed to the federal government as well.  Through the SKILCRAFT Machining Solutions service, Wiscraft will be able to capture greater revenues, and, more importantly, create more employment opportunities for individuals who are blind.