Beyond Vision / President’s Message – One for the Ages

President’s Message – One for the Ages

August 4th, 2010 has now and forever been proclaimed Wiscraft Inc…Vision Beyond Sight Day in the city of Milwaukee.  On that day we celebrated a milestone in our 107 year history.  Our origin was that of a Wisconsin state agency.  Twenty five years ago we separated from the state and have successfully operated as an independent 501(c)(3) since.  But, we celebrated much more than our company’s independence.  We said, “thank you”, to our employees, to our customers and to our friends.

Concert Attendees Dance to Los Ciegos del Barrio
Concert Attendees Dance to Los Ciegos del Barrio

Consider this.  When we meet a person, after an initial greeting, what’s one of the first things we ask to create casual conversation?  “What do you do?”  In today’s tough economy we are a little more careful about that question.  That’s because 1 in 10 people we meet could be unemployed.  Can you say awkward?   Now imagine you meet a person who is visually impaired and legally blind you ask the same question, “What do you do?”   There is a 70% chance that person would answer, “I can’t find a job.” or “I wish I could find a job.” or “Frankly, no one will give me a chance.”  That’s not just awkward.  That’s a national disgrace.

You see we also celebrated the fact that people who are blind can have a meaningful job and as a result live an independent life after blindness.  Given the chance, people who are blind can be the most amazing, dedicated and productive work force you can imagine.   Just like you and me, they take pride in their work and having a real job. Because it is so tough for them to find a job, they don’t take it lightly.  They show up every day, work hard, and give 110% of what God gave them.  We celebrated that spirit of dedication on the part of our employees.

We celebrated progress toward our vision of reducing the 70% unemployment rate among the blind.  During the past year, a year during which companies were laying people off throughout the globe, we were able to advance our mission by increasing our employment of people who are blind by over 30%.

We celebrated that some of our loyal customers like Briggs & Stratton and P&H gave us more business…that’s right…I said more business this past year.  We’re told by our customers that our employees earned this increase in business by providing outstanding products and services.  We celebrated new work as a result of new products we now produce for the federal government.  It seems even a bit surreal that we celebrated growing while nearly everyone else is shrinking or just holding on for dear life during these turbulent times.

George Washington and Los Ciegos del Barrio
George Washington and Los Ciegos del Barrio

To recognize this auspicious occasion we held a concert at Milwaukee’s beautiful Discovery World Amphitheater.   This was to be no ordinary concert.  Admission was free.  The backdrop of the outdoor stage was Lake Michigan and about 100 sail boats.   Beautiful!  Thanks to both of our co-sponsors, Industries for the Blind, and Associated Industries for the Blind, we were able to fly a very special band in from New York.  Their name, Los Ciegos de Barrio, in English translates to Blind Boys of the Neighborhood.    This 4 member Salsa band was made up of all blind musicians.  They were amazing.  They entertained about 150 of our invited guests and 500 people from the general public.

During intermission it was time to celebrate the life of George, one of our many dedicated blind employees.  He simply told his story.  This was his testimonial.

“My name is George Washington and I have worked at Wiscraft for 16 years.  I have been blind since birth. I was named George Washington because I was abandoned as a baby and was found on the 4th of July.  In 1977, I was living in Cincinnati and heard that I might find work in Milwaukee.  So I got on a bus and came here… I then came to Wiscraft in 1994 and have been here ever since.  In the 16 years I have worked at Wiscraft, I have worked on many jobs and have learned many skills and have made many friends.  Wiscraft has given me the chance to work every day at a real job.  Maybe there is someone here tonight who can give us some work.  We are always looking for more work because I love to work.  Work, work, work!”


You can’t make this stuff up.   The entire crowd now had tears of pride and amazement in their eyes.   Milwaukee’s Mayor Tom Barrett was among them.  Everyone, including the Mayor was riveted to George’s amazing personal story and heartfelt request.  “Give us… more…work, work, work.”

(from left) Mayor Tom Barret, Jim Kerlin, and Ron Hutchinson
(from left) Mayor Tom Barret, Jim Kerlin, and Ron Hutchinson

Finally, it was the Mayor’s turn to address the crowd next.  He said he had a tough act to follow.  One of the fun things Mayors get to do is “proclaim” things.   He read the Proclamation that this day, August 4th 2010 was Wiscraft Inc…Vision Beyond Sight Day.  Then with George’s words still ringing in his ears the Mayor said something like this.  “I think George is really on to something here.  What we need is more work…work…work!   Isn’t that right George?  We need work…work…work!

The band played their final set and not a person left until the last note was played.

The evening was summed up in an e-mail from Joel Brennan, President /CEO of Discovery World, when he wrote this.


“I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how proud I was to be a part of the event here on Wednesday evening… To so appropriately celebrate the triumph of the human spirit on a beautiful Milwaukee lakefront evening was really special; the band, the crowd, the involvement of Wiscraft all made Wednesday’s concert ONE FOR THE AGES.”

Plan to come to our Appreciation Event next year.  Put it on your calendar now.  It will be August 3rd, 2011 and you won’t want to miss it.