Beyond Vision / New Initiative: 5S Quality & Manufacturing Improvements

New Initiative: 5S Quality & Manufacturing Improvements

A pliers is sitting on a wooden table top just out of line with an outline of the same item.
5S’s Set Order results

In order to increase our competitiveness, Wiscraft began a ‘lean’ initiative called 5S in August 2008.  It’s designed to cut costs, improve efficiencies, and increase quality.  Few non-profit, and even many commercial, companies have implemented 5S yet.  Those organizations that have are among the ranks of the best companies in the world.  For those of you unfamiliar with 5S, each ‘S’ stands for a specific aspect.  They are:

  1. Sort: Determine what’s needed and remove what isn’t.
  2. Set Order: Determine a place for everything and keep it there when not in use.
  3. Shine: Always keep areas clean and organized
  4. Standardize: Maintain and monitor the first three S’s.
  5. Sustain: Ensure standards are continuously followed
A woman is moving a pallet jack with boxes on it into a square painted on the floor.
5S’s Set Order results

To date, Wiscraft has converted 8 of 14 areas to the 5S process.  Our employees spent great time and effort to accomplish it.  Their areas are cleaner and more organized than ever. Many guests who’ve toured our facility notice how far we’ve come…

In order to promote sustainability we’ve created the Golden

Sophia is smiling and holding a golden colored dust pan.
Sophia Kipp

Dustpan Award to recognize employees who best follow 5S.  Every month the award is presented during our employee luncheon.  During the October luncheon the first award was presented.  All of us should be proud of what we’ve accomplished. The first winners of the Golden Dustpan Award are Sophia Kipp (October) and John Lackershire (November).