Beyond Vision / Integrated Workforce is Core of our Mission

Integrated Workforce is Core of our Mission

If you were to take a look at Beyond Vision’s workforce, you will find 51% of our overall workforce is legally blind or visually impaired. “Mission” employees work at all levels of the organization, including senior leadership, professional/technical experts, customer service representatives and those entering the workforce for the very first time. Daily, mission employees demonstrate what is possible with attitude, skills, the right tools, and an inclusive and accessible work environment.

The other 49% of our team of employees, who are not visually impaired or blind, bring their various talents and experiences to our Mission. They also bring a tremendous amount of passion and creativity to their roles. They soon learn their role is not “helper,” rather an equal partner striving to improve the employment outcomes for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Beyond Vision employees standing in front of the building smiling and waving

Our company logo is a silhouette of a person with a cane shaking hands with the silhouette of a person without one. Initially, the logo was designed to symbolize the partnership between Beyond Vision and our customers. For many of our employees, the logo represents the relationship that exists between our employees both sighted and blind. We work together as equals to create sustainable, life-changing job opportunities for people who are blind.

Our workplace is not a sheltered workshop. We offer competitive wages with full benefits to every single employee. We will continue to foster a competitive and integrated work environment at Beyond Vision. And we won’t stop there. Our culture is committed to working together in an inclusive and accessible environment for all our employees. Beyond Vision at its core, is a dedicated team of people who are blind, visually impaired, and sighted working together to fulfill our Mission and provide excellent service to our customers.