Beyond Vision Now Offers Pemming

Great partnerships can come from networking events. Beyond Vision and Mathison Manufacturing were able to connect through events hosted by the Independent Business Association of Wisconsin and the Waukesha County Business Alliance. Since then, they have found a number of ways to work together and to sustain each other.
Mathison’s VP of Operations, Ken Welsh, noticed that a machine outside his office could be put to better use. Loan the machine to Beyond Vision, outsource pemming work to them and make it a revenue resource. Al Leidinger, President of Mathison Manufacturing agreed, “The machine was only at 20% capacity in our building. Beyond Vision could make great use of the other 80% by contracting with other businesses.”
To ensure the machine could be used by people of all levels of sight, Welsh added palm controls so you can operate the machine hands free. Beyond Vision’s engineering team added other modifications to ensure that parts would be level and exact by applying poka-yoke principles and an in-house 3D printer.

Ingenuity like this is a perfect example of how much impact the mission of employing people who are blind or visually impaired has. Adding to Beyond Vision’s machining capabilities helps contribute to our ability to continue as a fully self-funded nonprofit that offers employees a market competitive wage and benefits in an inclusive environment. Keep this in mind when you need to outsource machining, customer care, assembly and packaging work.