Beyond Vision / Accessible Workplace Empowers Everyone

Accessible Workplace Empowers Everyone

At Beyond Vision, we live and breathe accessibility. We strive to make every aspect of our workplace accessible to all. When you think about it, employing people who are blind begins with breaking down the barriers caused by vision loss and challenging the status quo. We creatively utilize advancements in technology to create a universally designed accessible workplace.  Having an accessible work environment empowers all of our employees.

Beyond Vision has created an Accessibility Team. This team, made up of 9 employees who are blind and visually impaired, meets on a monthly basis to review every aspect of our work environment from an accessibility perspective. They look at everything from basic braille labeling of microwaves and vending machines, creating tactile aisles and walkways, to the utilization of adaptive technology such as 3D printers in the workplace. Beyond Vision views accessibility as a tool for empowerment and independence.

The most recent example of this is our use of the PenFriend voice labeling system to ensure the accessibility of our first aid kits. A first aid kit needs to be accessible to everyone. We created a process using the PenFriend to make sure an individual without sight can properly identify items in the first aid kit in case of emergencies. In the short video above, Mary LaPointe demonstrates how this unique workplace accommodation works. It is a shining example of how an accessible workplace accommodation can eliminate barriers and empower our employees with vision loss.