Beyond Vision / A Runway Representative

A Runway Representative

Beyond Vision employee, Israel smiling and laughing.
Beyond Vision employee, Israel

You’ve heard Jim Kerlin talk about Beyond Vision as a “runway” for people’s careers. Israel Cazares-Zurita is certainly making good use of it! Israel started in our Assembly & Packaging department in 2015. We gave him a few questions to show just how much he’s experienced since joining us.

When did you start here?
I started at Beyond Vision in the fall of 2015. Specifically on August 31 of that year.

How did you find or hear about us?
It’s actually kind of funny…Guadalupe (Beyond Vision Customer Care Rep) told Amelia (my wife) about Beyond Vision and told me to apply to work in the customer care center. There wasn’t much opportunity there at the time, so when I started here it was in the Machine Shop.

Where did you work before you came to Beyond Vision?
I lived and worked in Austin Texas at Travis Association for the Blind. I worked in the warehouse picking packing pulling materials for the Air Force.

What career path were you on before you came here?
Honestly, I was just trying to figure things out. I had just moved to Milwaukee after playing in a band for ten years. I thought I’d give getting a “real job” a shot. I have to be honest…it was difficult going from basically working nights and waking up whenever I wanted to all of a sudden having a schedule to live by.

What did you like most about working in Assembly and Packaging?
I like that I just wasn’t another worker bee…that is to say, everyone’s opinions and suggestions are taken in to consideration, and they did a great job at making sure that the work was a little different each day. That was the first thing I noticed and one of the things that made me stay here.

How has your career path changed?
I never thought that I’d be doing what I’m doing at the moment. I started in the Machine shop then moved over to A&P, then the customer care center and most recently Sales…It’s been kind of a wild ride, but at the same time very  exciting. I’m grateful that Beyond Vision’s leadership team noticed me and gave me a shot to prove myself. Each day is a wonderful challenge but an opportunity to rise up and meet that challenge head on. My goal is to develop into a sales professional in order to bring more customers to Beyond Vision. I’m working hard to meet this goal, so overall, I’d say things are going well.

Any comments you would like to add?
I’m extremely lucky to be working with such an amazing group of people. Beyond Vision has been a place where I have been able to forge new friendships, learn new skills and challenge myself each day. I feel that our mission statement says it all…Beyond Vision is enriching the lives of Americans who are blind…through the dignity of work valued by customers and the community.