Beyond Vision / 120th Anniversary Celebration

120th Anniversary Celebration

Save the date!

On Saturday, June 8th, we will be hosting a huge party that is open to the public.

This celebration will be happening in honor of Beyond Vision’s 120th Anniversary. This is sure to a fantastic family-friendly event that will be celebrated both inside and around the VisABILITY Center. Please feel welcome to invite as many friends and family as you wish.

We look forward to celebrating with you on Saturday, June 8th, from 11am-3pm!

Register for the event here!

Beyond Vision employee, Joe Bergs packing Briggs & Stratton parts

Founded in 1903

Beyond Vision was established in 1903 as the “Wisconsin Workshop for the Blind”. Created with the intention of giving people who were blind an occupation, Beyond Vision has built a career runway that goes much further than the original mission could have dreamed.

By continuously working to improve our service offerings to customers we are able to provide sophisticated assembly, machining on several levels, a variety of packaging options, inbound and outbound call center outsourcing.

The runway does not stop there, elevated employment opportunities include administrative and leadership roles.

We continued to innovate and opened our Customer Care Center in 2009. This allowed us to provide even greater career advancement opportunities for employees.

Now in our new home at the VisABILITY Center, we are continuing to expand and grow and find new ways to serve our community.

Do you have memories or photos of Beyond Vision?
Please contact to share.

Side-by-side photos of the old building and the new VisABILITY Center.

Onwards into the Future

Today, we continue to look for new ways to defy misconceptions. We refer to a metaphor that, “Beyond Vision is a runway…a place to land and a place to take off in one’s career.” Many of our employees have had the chance to build their confidence and skills to “take off” from Beyond Vision to other career opportunities. Everything in our past points to the importance of focusing on our “runway”. While society has changed, the assumptions about the ability of people with vision loss to work continue to block career growth. This is why we are here and why we do what we do each and every day to make sure that if a person who is blind wants to advance, they have the opportunity to do so. In combination with our career options, we also give employees the confidence to pursue their dreams and the knowledge of what they need to succeed. Add to that the advocacy of our public policy efforts, we give voice to the needs of people who are blind.

With the support of our employees, donors, customers, and friends in the community, we persist in our mission. Now and in the next 120 years.