Beyond Vision / Wiscraft Employees Graduate From NIB’s Business Management Training

Wiscraft Employees Graduate From NIB’s Business Management Training

Wiscraft is proud to announce that two of our employees recently completed the National Industries for the Blind (NIB) Business Management Training program (BMT).  BMT is “facilitated by University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, targets qualified, high-potential employees of NIB and NIB associated agencies who are blind, motivated to succeed in a business setting and have demonstrated leadership potential”

Many people describe BMT as a “mini” MBA program that spans the course of 18 months. There are 5 individual weekly sessions which cover general business, finance and accounting, marketing and communication, production and manufacturing, human resource management and information technology, and all other aspects of what is needed to manage a modern company. The participants were split up into 5 teams,  and each team was assigned a NIB agency to research in each of the fields of study. The teams received actual data from their designated agency and used it to complete the assigned coursework for any given topic.

Here is what they had to say about the program:

“I found that in addition to gaining a better and more complete understanding of how a business is run and how to run it successfully, the greater and most important take-away was learning to work with diverse individuals in my team and hopefully put this knowledge to use at work.


BMT is an outstanding program and has given me a strong base to improve myself not only at work but in all other aspects of my life.” – Gene Hubbard


“The BMT program is a great program for Visually Impaired individuals that are pursuing management position within their organization.  I was very impressed with the professors and their ability to convey topics and ideas in a way that anyone can understand. The program also gave us greater exposure to working in a diverse team environment, each team was assigned an agency to work with and had to present their project at the end of each one-week session.  NIB and the University of Virginia Darden School of Business have put together an outstanding program for the future leaders of NIB associated agencies. – Emeric Rokay


The completion of this training is a profound example of the dedication that Wiscraft employees put forth to achieve their professional goals. The skills and knowledge that this program provided have been widely praised by President Jim Kerlin over the past several months, and Wiscraft would like to sincerely congratulate Emeric and Gene for their outstanding achievement.